Thursday 16 August 2007


Yes, MCD stands for the Melbourne Central Division. We're spending two days together to review the extraordinary ministries that are taking place and to spend time with the leadership. Majors Rodney and Jenny Barnard are the capable Divisional Leaders who share the joy of this remarkable opportunity with a team that is strong, hopeful and engaging.

We're seeing evidence of God's good work in plain sight and are being encouraged by their strategies for reaching many more for the Kingdom. Hallelujah! I'm glad to be a Salvo.

Revelation 11:15 (MSG)
15 The seventh Angel trumpeted. A crescendo of voices in Heaven sang out, The kingdom of the world is now the Kingdom of our God and his Messiah! He will rule forever and ever!


Totally sold out on Him said...

a few years ago MCD had a reputation I believe for being "not the best division to be in" by far it is the best division to minister in,(sorry to the other divisions hehe) God is at work here there are significant thngs happening all around and that also means that the battle is fierce, and there are at times casualties, but GOD is in charge, hallelujah.... and Rodney and Jenny allow Him to be is an honour to serve God in MCD. I am expecting to see revival and praying for it.... with ministries like 614, Footscray, Crossroads, Resevoir, Werribee... and the attempts being made at Carlton....for Brian Pratt and His fervour and wisdom....MCD is a happening place...too many other places to mention really, but what a division to be in... thanks for the privilege of serving HIM HERE.

Anonymous said...

Leadership focused on building Gods Kingdom and prepared to take risks to build God Kingdom makes all the difference. Without this kind of leadership those in the field end up banging their heads against brick walls and eventually give up and become ordinary instead of the extraordinary people God wants us all to be.

Anonymous said...

Things are not just happening at the above named centres in comment 1. At Greensborough we are holding a day of prayer on Revival amongst our own people so that they will be equipped by the Holy Spirit to go out and seek the lost. We will be praying fron 9am to 9pm Sunday 26/08/07.All are welcome to come and join us.

Pete Brookshaw said...

I totally agree that we are seeing God at work in this Division and I count it a privelege to be a part of a place that is open to the fire of the Holy Spirit and are seeing people coming to faith in Jesus.

We are called to seek first God's Kingdom and if we do that, then God will pour his blessing upon us even more. I'm reminded of Booth's vision of people drowning, and it's us who are called as a Salvation Army to reach beyond our comfort zones and do what we can to connect with the cultures we minister to; whether they be Gen X, Y and others, to bring the love of Jesus to these people!

I don't know about you, but I will do whatever I can, in whatever ways God approves, to see people connect with the risen Saviour!

Jim Knaggs said...

Where two or three are in agreement...

Anonymous said...

and at plenty valley we've had 10 people saved in the last 2 months...

Jim Knaggs said...

Bless the Lord!

Anonymous said...

its not a competition between different corps and different divisions now is it guys? just remember we're all fighting the same battle...we're on the same team. does it really matter if your particular corps hasn't been individually mentioned?
it's great that you're passionate about your home corps but let's be unified rather than promoting our own 'results'.
we are one army

Jim Knaggs said...

Anon - We are one Army - good idea.

The previous comments are a celebration of the work of God, for which we need to rejoice. We should do that more often.

Totally sold out on Him said...

that was my intention, sorry if it messed with peoples minds... how could anyone possibly mention everything that God is doing around us, there is just too much. cool huh ?