Tuesday 21 August 2007

Bringing People to Christ

What a joy it is to hear that people are coming to the Lord. My heart swells when I learn of such happenings in the territory (and elsewhere too). Certainly, "the angels in heaven rejoice" when this takes place as well.

This is the heart of our mission. We are, and must be, The SALVATION Army. Our focus needs to be aimed at sharing the love of God in Christ to those who don't know Him and to those who do. God desires that everyone be brought to salvation and that we do our part in the process.

You know that we actually need to communicate God's love in ways that they have a choice. Being nice is a start, but only that. There comes a point at which you need to commit to the message and ask the question. Not all gifted evangelists? We are being gifted with powerful love to be shared. Hallelujah!

2 Corinthians 13:14 (NIV)
14 May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.


Anonymous said...

I have just returned home from our weekly Bible study group where we studied the conversion of Saul of Tarsus. And the subject which you have raised was one which aroused quite a bit of discussion. We spoke about ways of communicatiing the message of salvation and our responsibility in this. May He use us as we commit ourselves to this duty to reach out to others. The Holy Spirit will help us I know.

Anonymous said...

It's been my heart for years to put the SALVATION back into our Army. I love seeing people getting saved. I find mission drift is one of hardest this to combat so many things look and seem like a great thing to do or be a part of, but so often they don't lead to salvations. I have started setting goals for all my events and camps to pray for a certain amount of SALVATIONS during each event this helps I find.

james said...

Hallelujah commish!

gotgumonmyshoe im the same as you, I believe God wants to use me to bring evangelism to the forefront of the army once more!

seeing people get saved, and seeing Jesus transform their life is the best experience outside our own conversion and baptism in the holy spirit!

Also, we have a salvation meeting starting up soon, and an evangelism confrence coming up soon!keep an eye on my blog for more details...

Jim Knaggs said...

Let's do it.