Friday 3 October 2008

ACC Finals

Russell Rook reminded us tonight that in the end, there's resurrection. Hallelujah!

So the Aggressive Christianity Conference at the Box Hill Corps concluded tonight with a resurrection message that breathed life into us all. Thank you each for your prayers. God has heard us and answered with the affirmative.

Thank you John Evans, Envoy Sonia Jeffrey and Captain David Collinson for jobs well done. Here's where they would say that there was a large cast of supporters who pulled all together, and they would be right.

The church has left the building!

Matthew 28:19 (MSG)
19 Go out and train everyone you meet, far and near, in this way of life, marking them by baptism in the threefold name: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.


Unknown said...

What a terrific AUS event - for the blessing of Melbourne, and around the world.

Sometimes God visits, and we are marked in special ways forever. The last 24 hours have been such a time. The Knaggs, Collinson, Noland, Burrows, Court, Strickland, Rook team is a passionate, ebulant cast of larger-than-life characters.

A crack salvo ANZAC force is in place.

From a grateful Brit.


Captain Collo said...

It was another great week with lives changed & God showing up again. Jim, thanks for being holy and showing up for work!

Brian's Blog said...

Thank you, for "Orbiting the Giant Hairball"
