Tuesday, 24 February 2009

Majors Adele and John Vale - Commited Christians

Looking for the genuine thing? John and Adele fit the bill. They are wonderful people with hearts of gold. They retired from active service this past Sunday in a public meeting at the South Barwon Corps. They represent Christ in their everyday expressions and have been consistent throughout their journey.

We are fortunate to know them and to have been influenced by them. Retirement for them will be active. I hope they'll now have the time to spoil their grandchildren, golf every day, and laugh. You can count on their witness being strong no matter where they are or what they're doing. Looking for a hero today? Look no further.

2 Peter 1:8 (MSG)
8 With these qualities active and growing in your lives, no grass will grow under your feet, no day will pass without its reward as you mature in your experience of our Master Jesus.


Anonymous said...

I don't know MajorsJohn and Adele but I wish them every blessing. I hope they get to do all the things Commissioner Jim says... but do you have to play golf?

Anonymous said...

For a man who insists in the outdated opinion of male dominance within an appointment, it's interesting to see Adele's name before John's in the heading of this article. Bye!

Jim Knaggs said...

Actually, Anon. the proper form today is alphabetical. Let's do it.