Monday 16 February 2009

Victoria Bush Fires 9

In terms of rough statistics, TSA has served 4,848 adults and 1957 children with direct support. This amounts to over $2.5m in direct assistance. In addition, we have been serving meals to Whittlesea service personnel in the neighbourhood of 3,000 meals per day. You can imagine that every counseling conversation and each item of support has not been included in these statistics.

Reports today reveal that there are still 12 bushfires out of control in Victoria. They don't seem to be headed towards homes at the moment, although it only takes a little wind to change that prediction.

We remain grateful for the many workers who are helping to quell the fires and the pain.

3 John 1:8 (MSG)
8 So they deserve any support we can give them. In providing meals and a bed, we become their companions in spreading the Truth.


Anonymous said...

As usual the Salvos are doing it so well. What a wonderful monetary response from the public and corporates. Should we fear for the Red Shield Appeal?? We may need to look inwardly and curtail any unnecessary spending, e.g., officers' cruising the Greek Islands. Lots of things could be put on 'hold' in view of the economic crisis too.

Anonymous said...

How do I get on the Greek Islands cruise???