Wednesday 28 March 2007


A neo is a new expression of SA ministry. One such neo is found at Shop 16, also known as Reservoir. Under the leadership of Lieutenants Cate Daniels and Gen Petersen this neo is right up the founder's proverbial alley. Today, we met them there along with their competent team and their great kids. Simultaneously, the kids enjoyed making chocolates (Carolyn helped here), colouring, and playing outdoor games (It was my first cricket game to play in).

We witnessed the grace of God through all of the leaders towards the children and their care givers. Today wasn't the day for the Bible study, but they learned a lot about the 13th chapter of First Corinthians...even the kids that don't read. Hallelujah!

Thanks, friends. You remind me of why God called us into His work.

2 Corinthians 9:12 (NIV)
12 This service that you perform is not only supplying the needs of God's people but is also overflowing in many expressions of thanks to God.


Anonymous said...

Forgive my ignorance- but I have not yet heard of 'neo'. What is it exactly?

Anonymous said...

I love Ressie! The whole team are fabulous and 'on fire' for God. They reach out into a community that has tremendous need,they spend time with the children and families and make them feel worthwhile and needed.

Thank you guys for your patience, unconditional love and acceptance for those you serve. Miss ya!


Anonymous said...

They are very lucky to be able to be given the freedom to minister in this way. It is not possible to do this in many parts of the Southern Territory.

Totally sold out on Him said...

Expressions of ministry outside of the norm have always attracted me and I resepct what these great people do for God, Like 614, and Footscray, I thank God for these fringe ministries that we have freed up to have a crack for the the end of the day it is about souls being saved whatever it costs us personally and I think this is awesome, and again you have acknowledged those who don't fit the norm and I love that about you, you don't seem worried or concered that it has to look a certain way... as long as it works.thanks for that.

Jim Knaggs said...

K- a neo is New Expression could substitute the word new for neo, but it's more than new in the sense of is new in the sense of ideas.

Anon - Ok, so call me or e-mail me. let me be a part of the solution.