Thursday 3 May 2007

Western Victoria Division

Each year we take time to visit each divisional headquarters for what is known as a divisional review. They're always worthwhile and especially when the preparations have been meticulous and the year under review has been healthy.

That's what we've found here under the leadership of Majors Jenny and Peter Walker. Besides being holy and engaging people themselves, the division reveals the provision and blessings of God. The officers, employees, volunteers, soldiers and adherents of this division have done well. God's work is in good hands. Hallelujah!

1 Samuel 12:7 (MSG)
7 Take your stand before him now as I review your case before God in the light of all the righteous ways in which God has worked with you and your ancestors.


Evie said...

When Dave and I were COs, we appreciated it when DHQ officers used the annual inspection/review process to help us dream dreams and set goals. Reviews should not just be about looking backward, they should be about seeing where we've been, where we are now, where we're going tomorrow and how we're going to get there.

Anonymous said...

Just curious- how many territories/divisions are in Australia?

Jim Knaggs said...

Australia has two territories: South - THQ - Melbourne, Victoria - 7 divisions and one region (like a division). The territory includes the following states: Victoria, South Australia, Tasmania, and Western Australia and one Australian Territory - the Northern Territory. The other territory is the East which is based in Sydney, NSW. This territory covers two states: New South Wales and Queensland and the Australian Capital Territory (like Wash., DC)

Anonymous said...

I pray that the leaders of the SA, will allow the Officers to Dream and cast visions.

I also pray that the leaders of the SA will support the officers in the journey towards seeing their dreams and visions become reality.