Thursday 12 July 2007

The Government

In many places and among many services we work with the government. This relates to Federal, State and Local Government. This relationship is best defined as a partnership which is an attempt to serve the community by improving the lives and environments of individuals and families. This type of connection is common around the world.

What we need is a real partnership. This is not defined as simply being participants and is most severely reduced when it is only a contractual relationship. We serve best when our full effort is in play and when we can connect the service to a holistic approach through multiple service points. It's not just a job. It's a holy ministry, marked by the same discipline as if we were serving God.

It's possible to make this work. We do need to have mutual intentionality.

Matthew 25:35 (CEV)
35 When I was hungry, you gave me something to eat, and when I was thirsty, you gave me something to drink. When I was a stranger, you welcomed me,


With Holy Discontent said...

TSA have partnered with the various funding bodies for some time now. The relationship has on the whole been an amicable one where their ideals have not conflicted with our mission and values. It has been a win-win, but the days are coming where those who fund our services will require greater accountability, and may challenge our positional statements and values.

TSA was once a major player in the social sector, particularly in Victoria, but there are now many players who are gaining the ear of Government policy makers and funding decision makers, with new models of service delivery.

There is a real need to build our ability to speak up and speak out against social injustice, but back this up not only with quality research, but also with a model that facilitates our research into a deliverable pilot service model.

We have the ability, the relationships with academic bodies, and currently, the good will. We have the blood of Christ, the power of the Holy Spirit and the compassionate heart of our Father God, but do we have the courage to challenge current thinking? It is time.


Jim Knaggs said...
