Tuesday 3 June 2008

Creative Ideas

I love it when things have just become commonplace and someone enters with a creative idea. Yes.

I think it takes a mind free from excessive anxiety and distraction to contribute in this way. Perhaps we should do what we can to free up our thinking for creative ideas. The subjects that need such support are unlimited...evangelism, mission integration, communicating grace...approaching a culture that prefers not to acknowledge the Lord...engaging a grieving family...leading a young life in the right direction...empowering a believer to act in faith...and more.

Jesus has always been a part of creation. He would be a great support in creating ideas.

John 1:3 (MSG)
3 Everything was created through him; nothing—not one thing!— came into being without him.


Anonymous said...

Most of Jesus' creative ideas weren't accepted; not even by those who showed most interest in God. But I'm glad the Spirit DOES blow where He wishes. Thanks for the words, Major Fred Waters told me about your blog.
Mine is at www.robertsessford.com

Jim Knaggs said...

Thank you, Robert. Welcome.

Anonymous said...

Yes! Creative ideas that are God inspired.
God has worked in a wonderful way today by inspiring new up and coming soldiers of the "Army".
The result - The Salvation Army at Melton is compiling a 15min DVD describing who we are as a people of God, and our mission within our community.
We believe we have a vision from God and know it will come to pass.
We are so excited about God's creative idea and would like you to come along on the journey with us.
Pray for God's workings in this venture. Look forward to seeing "Our Vision". Your copy will be coming soon.
- Melton Vision Team

HS said...

for me, the creativity seems to flow more out of a sense of tension (not necessarily anxiety)than when all is calm

that baby you dedicated 18 years ago just graduated from Ashland High School :)

Jim Knaggs said...

js - Please give Daniel our love.