Sunday 17 May 2009

Lt. Colonels Lyell and Elaine Rader

We have been advantaged this week with the visit and ministry of Lt. Colonels Lyell and Elaine Rader. They are extraordinary servants of God with a sterling witness and humble spirits.

They served in excess of 12 years in Sri Lanka in the course of their journey. As best I can tell, this service marked them in holy and practical ways. You recognise the veracity of their ministry in minutes of their meeting. This morning they were in Ringwood. It was a great meeting, accentuated by their contribution and the movement of the Holy Spirit. Undeniable.

Revelation 19:5 (MSG)
5 From the Throne came a shout, a command: Praise our God, all you his servants, All you who fear him, small and great!

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