Thursday 13 March 2008


Certainty can be a luxury. Some people seem to be able to get there quicker than others. There are those who need to explore every avenue of a decision before they can make a choice. Even then, they are somewhat uncertain.

Feelings can get in the way of a good decision. Lack of information is a common distraction to certainty.

You see, there is a place for trust in everyone's life. Most often we trust those we love. We ought always trust God...with certainty.

Proverbs 3:5 (MSG)
5 Trust God from the bottom of your heart; don't try to figure out everything on your own.


Cadet Stobes!! said...

A good word Comm! Thanks! I don't know what the future holds for me at South Barwon, but I'm trusting Him with certainty, believing that it's where He wants me to be! Hallelujah!!!

Anonymous said...

My family and I are in a situation that we are trusting God for a poistive outcome. Our 15 year old daughter had the gardisil immunisation on the 6 March. ever since then this healthy, happy, soon to be enrolled as a Senior Soldier, has had shaking in her body, particularly hands, (looks like she has Parkinsons disease) and the doctors are saying it is psychological and all in her head and don't wnat to admit it was the vaccine that caused it, so they are refusing to do further tests. We are trying to push and back to the doctors this afternoon (14/3).
Please pray that God will show her that God can be trusted and something wonderful will come out of this experience.

Anonymous said...

Father God, bring healing to this young girl, comfort to her family, adn wisdom and understanding to the doctors involved. In your name AMEN

Anonymous said...

My, and I am sure other readers of this site, prayers are with your daughter and your whole family.

Jim Knaggs said...

Dear Anonymous friend,

First, know that God is with you. He will always be faithful and loves you in every step of your journey. Next, know that there are people near you that want to be supportive as well. Your corps family can be there for you if you want.

Please contact me directly if I can be of additional support. We are praying with you now.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your prayers, our friends in our corps have been really supportive and encouraging. We were able to get blood tests done on Friday afternoon so that is progress.
again thank you all for your support and encouragement.