Wednesday, 28 February 2007

Rebecca Kate Philp

We celebrate the life of Bec Philp. Today we gathered with her family and many friends for the Thanksgiving Service for her 17 year old life. Box Hill Corps was the perfect location for the love that flowed from God to us all. Lt. Colonel Carl Schmidtke, who dedicated her as a baby was there to bring words of comfort and hope.

We will miss Bec and may never understand any more than the medical issues that took her life, why she isn't here in person now. She is enjoying her entry into heaven and the presence of God. She too remains in our hearts. We are fortunate to have her in our lives.

John 11:25 (MSG)
25 "You don't have to wait for the End. I am, right now, Resurrection and Life. The one who believes in me, even though he or she dies, will live.


jsi said...

Life never ever seems long enough for anyone, but 17 years is such a brief opportunity. What an impact this loss must have with those who are so close and feel the grief so deeply.

Her eyes carry such such hope and joy.

So many parts of life are beyond explanation, but our deepest joy occurs when we can know for sure that a soul has met our Father in heaven.

A heartbreak of grief and joy this morning.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for honouring Bec on your blog. I had the privilege of being Bec's cell group leader for a while and have many fond memories of this sunny girl.Our family were unable to attend her funeral yesterday, as we are currently serving in NZ, and we felt the separation quite keenly. Jeff and Janette Philp are amongst the most lovng caring people I have ever met and I am gladdened to hear how that love is being returned to them at this sad time.
Thank you for the depth of your caring.
Sandy Crowden

Anonymous said...

I too was so pleased that you had honoured Bec on your blog, whilst I wasn't that close to Bec herself my daughter was a friend.
sometimes it is so hard to understand what happens in our world, yet I was so challenged/encouarged by your words about your own family in such a tragic similarity, so I have been praying for Jeff and Jannette how you suggested last week at Werribee, by standing in their place and praying as I felt they may pray and may possibly be unable to at this time.

thanks Boss for your spiritual integrity in these matters.

Gary Grant