Tuesday 19 June 2007


Do you have a few favourite books? In addition to the Bible, I value a few of my books enough to keep them as long as I can. Sometimes I give them away, but will replace them as well.

In them I have become friends with authors who will never know my name. They have spoken to my soul, my thoughts, my encouragement, my information...etc... I am a different person because of their discipline to publish their work and I am grateful.

I believe we have numerous gifted authors in our territory who need to fan the flame of their gifting by writing and being formally published. God wants to speak to us through them. Get working...we're back in the publishing business.

2 Corinthians 3:3 (MSG)
3 Christ himself wrote it—not with ink, but with God's living Spirit; not chiseled into stone, but carved into human lives—and we publish it.


Brian's Blog said...

Thank you Lord.

Anonymous said...

check out geoff and kaylie webbs new book! "fair dinkum holiness" or something like that...