Monday, 17 September 2007

Practice Makes Perfect

It's an interesting phrase.

How about this old one? The stranger to NY asks "How do I get to Carnegie Hall?" The New Yorker answers, "practice, practice, practice."

Why is it that a Doctor practices medicine and a lawyer practices law. When do they do it for real?

However we understand it, we need to practice our faith in the crucible of our daily journey. It needs to be our every moments intention, until it becomes in the image of God. Sounds perfect, doesn't it?

1 John 3:18 (MSG)
18 My dear children, let's not just talk about love; let's practice real love.


BCBailey said...

Practicing faith in our pluralistic world is an exciting challenge as well as a daunting consideration. Recently four Christians (in NY, I think) were arrested for disorderly conduct. Their crime? They bowed their heads to pray during a gay pride parade.

Anonymous said...

I recall a crudely written sign in a small restaurant near RAH, London, some years ago during an international congress; "Please excuse the disturbance, The Salvation Army is in town!"

What a wonderful reminder to salvationists everywhere; practice and perfect being a gentle disturbance daily in Jesus' name!


jeff said...

I agree Jim."It needs to be our every moments intention, until it becomes us..."

jeff said...

I'll aslo heard a minister speak yesterday that we are not to turn people from something, ie: their particular sin, but turn them TO Jesus. The Sprirt will do the turning. Perhaps where Christians falter these days is in how they disturb. We need to remember it is Christ we should be shouting about in the streets.

Jim Knaggs said...

Thank you each. I know you to be practitioners of faith.