Timbrels were flying and timbrellists were everywhere at Waverley Temple Corps tonight. Miriam would have been excited. The hall was filled for performances by the Waverley Sr. and YP Timbrels, the Launceston, Tasmania Timbrels, and the Cranbourne YP Timbrels. The Melbourne Veteran's Band was on duty to thrill us all with their music.
The Scriptures encourage us to praise the Lord with Timbrel and dance. That describes much of what we witnessed tonight. It takes hard work to do what they do and I'm convinced God is delighted. We could do with more of this in the territory.
Matthew 11:29 (MSG)
29 Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won't lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you.
Saturday, 15 March 2008
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Some people knock the Army's old ways, however for some of us will would love some of that excitement back. Lets all give praise to the Lord with whatever we have got.
I was VERY happy to put away my timbrel long ago and now 15 years later I find myself teaching little Filipino children to a rocky song, "Good News". I have to say, they are absolutely terrible! The timbrel is never in the right place, the timing is more often wrong and they make an incredible amount of mistakes... but they love it!
The children have discovered that this is a way they can praise their God and they smile and laugh all the way through! These little 7-9 year olds who have faced experiences beyond our imagination and are now separated from their families in our Salvation Army run Children's Home, have found an avenue to express their joy for music and their love for God.
We may not all be timbrellists, but there are a variety of unique ways we can be praising God and expressing our immense love for One who has provided us SO much?
Forgetting all else - the timbrel brigade was a marvellous bonding opportunity for junior girls and senior girls in any Corps. I am still in contact with a timbrellist friend from when I was 11 years of age - she has not attended the Army for many years but we still have that link. Up with the timbrels!
I'm all for it.
Having been a timbrellist for many years now I have always felt closest to God when playing my timbrel. Yes, many people don't like timbrels, but how can you knock someone for connecting with God and worshiping him? I agree with the 'small group' dynamic that timbrel brigades have and now being an officer I miss 'the girls' and the closeness of the group. It's all about the connection with God and with others!!
Keep up the worship and praising with your timbrels!!!
I truly believe that when Corps closed their Timbrel Brigades, we lost something beautifully unique and connecting within The Salvation Army. So many of my Non-Christian & Non-Salvationist friends, ask me if I play the timbrel, and I'm always proud to say yes! They LOVE it! :)
I agree with Nicole, there is something bonding about Timbrels - we're finding that in a Junior Timbrel brigade running from South Barwon (though we're planning on making it more a Regional Junior Timbrels) - the girls (and boys, though we don't yet have any!) connect on such a deeper level when we're doing Timbrels. We're able to minister to them even more than we do when we're running Sunday School or Junior Soldiers.
Bring back our Brigades I say! :)
As leader of one of the timbrel brigades in the recent concert at Waverley, it was an exciting time of enthusiastic and energetic praise to our Lord. I love worshipping with my timbrel and heart - in fact my whole body. The response in people's faces is fantastic as we lead others into that sense of exciting worship. Our timbrel brigade maybe small nowadays but is just as relevant as when I took over leadership 18 years ago. This week we dispensed with our usual rehearsal and brainstormed all the ways as a group we could evangalise and reach our community. The list is long so I pray that God will use us and our timbrels in effective ministry for Him.
This is a good word. You make me proud to be a Salvationist.
It's good to hear that timbrels are still in use in the Army. We have a number of older ladies in our corps who play their timbrels in the meetings from time to time and a Junior Soldier who visits and usually brings her timbrel with her. It is I suppose, a bit old- fashioned shall we say, but I have been wondering whether or not it might be once again something we could offer as a means of at least getting young people to our corps (that is the chance to learn how to play a timbrel) Maybe we could recycle some of our old methods now that many have forgotten about them. They might well be a "novelty" to our younger generations. Is it worth a go?
Absolutely Connie! God has blessed His Army with specific weaponry. I believe with all my heart that we break down strongholds when we worship God and give Him praise with the timbrel!
God, guide us in Your will... If this is something in which people can still be reached with the Gospel and be saved, then Lord empower us in this way. We play for Your glory, we live for Your glory! Hallelujah!
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