Thursday 26 March 2009

Mission Objectives

Boiling down our priorities in measurable terms, how about this for a corps centre?
- people in worship this week
- people helped (cup of cold water)
- members made (soldiers and adherents)
- people saved

And for social programmes...
- people helped
- people counseled and/or in worship
- people drawn to corps fellowship
- people saved

We measure what's important and are accountable. By this we demonstrate the presence of God.

Revelation 3:19 (MSG)
19 "The people I love, I call to account—prod and correct and guide so that they'll live at their best. Up on your feet, then! About face! Run after God!


Anonymous said...

why have separate mission objectives for corps and social?
what's wrong the mission objectives - Transforming Lives, Caring for People, Making Disciples, Reforming Society - they encompass both corps and social

Anonymous said...

Our mission should be the same, however, how we measure this is differant. Some people talk in cm while others talk in feet. This depends on your situation, but the distance remains the same.

Jim Knaggs said...

A1- The reference is to quantifiable objectives. The mission imperatives you refer to are still solidly in place. Note how the objectives draw from the imperatives. We are beginning to think in terms of mission centres instead of social or corps programmes. We think these are practical for most locations.

Anonymous said...

I like the term Mission Centres - rather than corps or social.


Beverley from Adelaide said...

Mission, Vision, Lives transformed, Souls living free by the power of Jesus.........what a sweet sound & sight to encourage us all in the battle.

Anonymous said...

Where is the Reforming Society measure?

Anonymous said...

what about pastoral care for officers? it rarely happens!

Jim Knaggs said...

Anon - I'm interested in what you would recommend as a succinct measurement of reforming society.

Anon. - Your comment makes me think you are an officer in need of pastoral care. There are many officers who have drawn a different conclusion, but we are concerned that even one would feel this way. Please do not remain anonymous and make the contact you desire.

Anonymous said...

I am not an expert in this, so the following comments are meant as a springboard for conversation, rather than an answer. If “reforming society” is transforming the dysfunctional societal structures to conform with the Kingdom of God values of care for the margalised, poor and voiceless, then wouldn’t a measure be “the way a corps/social centre impacts local, state, national and international policy and government”.
This would probably mean that the justice department needs to put out small palm sized cards with information regarding the issues and changes in policy required. The media department putting together short documentaries that can be used by corps to promote concern for these issues in their communities. And draft letters of the desired change, and the coordination with the PR department and corps officers and corps locals to present a visible voice to the issues in our community.
Tangible measures of this could be:
Ecological reform: (some ideas could be) Corps helping with clean up Aust. day, concern for local pollution and rubbish disposal issues, farming, drought relief support, gambling centre’s placed close to vulnerable people. Stuff like that.
Social Reform: raising awareness of issues of violence (systemic violence and family violence)-arguing for and providing preventive measures, changes in policy. Fair trade advocacy, corps running awareness evenings, providing a fair trade option that can be sold in our corps etc. Issues of homelessness, amazing stuff is being done at a territorial level the corps and social centre’s are not always aware of or able to engage in advocacy and support. Stuff like this.

I have spoken way to long…my apologies!
God bless you commissioner.

Anonymous said...

Commissioner - some issues for me & perhaps your comment. Do you presume that centres that perform poorly in all such 'measures' should be closed? Do we have the right to influence the 'saving of people' for social programmes that only receive govt funding? Should we not inject TSA money into social programmes to claim such a right? Just a thought or three.
from Anon5.

Anonymous said...

why is everyone anonymous?

Jim Knaggs said...

Anon4 = good thinking. thanks.

Anon5 - I'd like to reaffirm our priorities to understand that if what we're doing doesn't lead towards the redemptive presence of God, maybe we ought to let it go anyway. That would be true of any programme or corps.