Friday 5 January 2007


The nourishment we are drawn to speaks about our appetites. Fast food craver? Gourmet preferences? Meat and potatoes person? Vegetarian? Starbucks addict? What does it all say about us?

I'm really thinking about the appetites of our lives...those things and experiences that draw us to them. Which of our appetites are constructive to our spiritual growth? We won't survive without nourishment. Biblical fasting never includes denying oneself spiritual nourishment.

All this to ask what our appetites say about our spiritual life and sustenance we depend upon. Let us look to God for nourishment according to His word and according to the Word.

John 6:35 (NIV)
35 Then Jesus declared, "I am the bread of life. He who comes to me will never go hungry, and he who believes in me will never be thirsty.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

great word. i also love the new link of the week... God bless Captain messenger...

ive found that the more i deny myself the more i can resist temptation...

as you were talking about fasting, ive found that by fasting ive been able to limit if not stop some sinful habits... i learnt that i dont need to satisfy every hunger in my body...

although it may be hard sometimes, we can choose our hungers...

God, i hunger and thirst for you!