Sunday 27 January 2008

Humble Service

Servant of God? How about Paul's choice of descriptor: slave of God.

Now consider how important you are. Where do you draw the line as to your significance in the Kingdom? Hypothetically, it tends to be an easy answer. Now consider that you've been asked to do something more menial than you're accustomed to. Going to do it or do you consider it a waste of time?

With all we have to offer, how do we respond to the request? I'm suggesting that our response be one of faithfulness. What is it exactly that we bring to the altar anyway?

Thank you Lord for those servants who are servants.

Romans 1:1 (MSG)
1 I, Paul, am a devoted slave of Jesus Christ on assignment, authorized as an apostle to proclaim God's words and acts. I write this letter to all the Christians in Rome, God's friends.


Larry said...


thanks for this post. i am struck that often the "professional" in ministry in western culture takes a ceo approach rather than a servant approach. leaders lead by example...they do the dirty work too. they know their limitations and let others lead in their area of expertise and admit when they are wrong. servants don't pass the buck..

i was at an arc this morning and witnessed some servant leaders who are making an impact for the gospel. four new graduates testified to the community of Christ being key to their transformation and the leaders of that community as their mentors. one said to the administrators, "thanks for serving us!!!"

after witnessing what i did this morning, i am more convinced that leadership is about serving and mutual, not ordering and believing that people will follow because you tell them to.

i thank God for the faithful example of servanthood you and carolyn display and its impact on my sons, my wife and me!

Jim Knaggs said...

Thanks, Larry. You're a wise friend.