Wednesday 2 January 2008

Post Connections Era

It's a new day alright. The Post-connections era has begun and we are in the middle of it. Reports across the territory are bright with hope for the future based upon the fresh wave of the Holy Spirit throughout the territory.

Today at THQ we met in several meetings to discuss the affect of post-connections on our structure. We see the need for a closer and more consistent approach to identify where we can improve our connectedness to advance the Kingdom. Apart from the advancement of the Kingdom, we're blowing hot air at our problems. If you're anywhere near Melbourne, you know we don't particularly need anymore hot air...only a mighty rushing wind of the Holy Spirit.

C7 convinced me. God spoke. We heard. Let's go. Hallelujah!

Isaiah 62:10 (MSG)
10 Walk out of the gates. Get going! Get the road ready for the people. Build the highway. Get at it! Clear the debris, hoist high a flag, a signal to all peoples!

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