Wednesday 31 October 2007

Friends in High Places

Meeting with SA leaders from many parts of the world reminds me that I have friends in high places. They each have significant responsibilities and carry then well with joy and holy conviction.

Better than them, I have a friend in the highest of places. He is my Saviour and He is God. Hallelujah! He was placed upon a cross and lifted up high to die for me. He descended into deepest hell and then ascended into highest heaven as a part of God's redemptive plan...and He did so out of love for God and us.

We truly need this friend in the highest place and hold Him highest in our hearts of love for Him to be glorified and for others to see Him for who He truly is.

John 12:32 (MSG)
32 And I, as I am lifted up from the earth, will attract everyone to me and gather them around me."


Anonymous said...

What is this about God, how about buddah or allah or Gaia?

Anonymous said...

Yeshua/God is the only one that is still living, and gave of Himself to us/for us.

Jim Knaggs said...

The Bible reveals God to us with uncompromising authenticity and authority. My personal experience with God through Jesus confirms this reality of His love. You can know Him and celebrate life as you were meant to do too. Can we talk?