Thursday 4 October 2007

More ACC and More

ACC in Melbourne tonight featured the amazing Captain Danielle Strickland. God spoke through her powerfully and passionately. He so loves to dispense mercy whilst drawing us to justice. Hallelujah!

The Box Hill Songsters and their Big Band were on duty tonight. Good music for all.

Earlier in the day, General Burrows gave an aggression session and boldly gave us every reason to make evangelism our passion. She understands the value of our middle name. I wonder if she'd be willing to serve again as General when the next opportunity presents itself.

Then there was so much to celebrate elsewhere today too. God is moving in our territory. Yes!

Lamentations 3:25 (MSG)
25 God proves to be good to the man who passionately waits, to the woman who diligently seeks.


Sarah Eldridge said...

Danielle was brilliant last night, and I'm so thankful to God for the message she bought to us... I'm excited about the Fair Trade decisions made recently, and also about getting involved in the visits to local brothels and "freedom Friday's". God is doing a great thing in our Territory...thank you for all the work you do! :)

Jim Knaggs said...

Thanks, Sarah. You're absolutely right. I'm sorry we didn't get a chance to talk.

Anonymous said...

Commissioner Knaggs: Thank you for affirming that Holy Spiri continues to use Danielle for His glory - it is so much easier to believe she is where God wants her to be (even if it is half a world away)when we hear reports that God is blessing others through her!
We thank God for you and for your openness to Spirit's leading!
Every Blessing!
Faye Strickland