Wednesday 7 November 2007

Prayer for General Shaw Clifton

The General has requested that I share with you all the following information concerning his health.

As a result of recent medical tests a cancer has been diagnosed. The doctors believe that it has been found early and is operable. They therefore wish the General to undergo further tests, then some courses of chemotherapy, and eventual surgery.

All of this will take several months. The doctors have advised the General to remain within the United Kingdom between now and the middle of next year in order to complete all aspects of testing and treatment, including the surgery and recovery period.

It follows that all overseas travel commitments made by the General and Commissioner Clifton between now and the end of June 2008 are cancelled. Further contact on this aspect will be made with affected territories by the office of the General.

The International Conference of Leaders planned for May 2008 in Nairobi will now be postponed. Further information on this will reach you in due course.

Apart from international travel, the General will continue to carry out all the normal functions of his office.

I know that you will uphold the General and Commissioner Helen Clifton through prayer and faith in the months ahead.

God bless you all.

Yours in service,

Robin Dunster

Philippians 1:4 (MSG)
4 Each exclamation is a trigger to prayer. I find myself praying for you with a glad heart.


Anonymous said...

This is sad news. How do you replace the General at Connections Commissioner? No doubt the clever people from IHQ can beam the General in! Perhaps we get to hear more from you. I hope so. Cheers

Jim Knaggs said...

We regret he cannot come. We will trust the Lord. Hallelujah!