Sunday 3 December 2006


The Heritage Centre is an incredible place to visit and to learn. Carolyn and I met with Lindsay Cox for a tour and a lesson in The Salvation Army. The museum and archives are chock full of wondrous stories and artifacts that tell the glory of God. This place is more about God's work among us than anything else.

Based on what we saw, the territory has an illustrious and dynamic heritage. It speaks of how we came to this point in time and shouts where we're going. We saw some great things, but as we were carefully and interestingly guided through the exhibits, I saw that God wants us to be all that and more. Do you think He's finished with us or determined that we are now on a level maintenance mode? I don't think so, and I'm prepared to live and lead as if He sees our today's and tomorrows with an increasing glory...His glory!

Come join our Army!

Revelation 14:7 (MSG)
7 He preached in a loud voice, "Fear God and give him glory! His hour of judgment has come! Worship the Maker of Heaven and earth, salt sea and fresh water!"


Anonymous said...

Isn't heritage a beautiful word? I am glad it's not just a museum. And I'm thankful for those people with the wisdom not to throw away "old" things but to see a new and powerful use for them in this educational and thought provoking place. I love old photos, love to stare into the eyes of the person captured in time... to wonder.. what was their day like? ... what did they see? know? their triumphs, their struggles? What have they left to the world? We can learn so much from the past. Our inheritance.

What will this generation choose to commit to the Heritage Centre? When the "twilight finds us gone" will what we were be tossed into storage or displayed for posterity? What will we pass on to the future? What will we decide has reached its use by date and should be packed away?

Elderly people are a heritage also. It is easy to focus on the young.. on the future.. on where we are going.. but equally important to spend time learning from the wealth of wisdom yesterday has to share.

May we have, as John Masefield wrote...
"The faith that when the twilight finds us gone,
all we have consecrated will live on
To help the souls of other unseen friends,
Into a calm where beauty never ends."

Anonymous said...

has it found its new home yet or is it sill out the back of 614?

great exhibit for anyone wondering!go check it out!