Wednesday 5 December 2007

Connections Candidates

We read and prayed through the list of Candidates for officership which indicated their interest at Connections. There were 45 in all. Hallelujah! Everyone is precious and will demand individual consideration. May the process be one of holy discovery and joy.

I'm grateful to God for everyone at Connections and throughout the territory who will say to God, "I'll do what you want." From Junior Soldiers to the most senior officers, it's the right answer for today and the right answer forever.

1 John 2:17 (MSG)
17 The world and all its wanting, wanting, wanting is on the way out—but whoever does what God wants is set for eternity.


Major Tim Lynn said...

We rejoice with you at the positive and fruitful, Spirit-led response of people to God's call on their lives to future service through both officership and local ministry opportunities.
Looking forward to seeing the harvest yield in His time!

Lieutenant Jo said...

YEAH!!!!! I love seeing young people answering the call, hoping to hang out with some of them next year and sharing the passion of a college on fire!!!! Get geared up for the fight...

Jim Knaggs said...

I believe there are even more coming still.

Lieutenant Jo said...

Counting on it! ;o)