Wednesday 19 December 2007

Full Day

Why waste a day? Take full advantage of what God has given you and give it your best. This is way more than simply a philosophical statement. I've heard it said, "life is too short to worry about the details." That is far from what I'm writing about.

Life is not intended for a default or fallback approach. We are made to make the most of our days and we can in the strength of the Lord. In His name we don't waste our hours with unfruitful vanity. We have the opportunity to be purposeful and effectual throughout the days, weeks and years.

Let them say, "this person lived life to the fullest." Let that mean that you are fully engaged in right living called holiness.

1 Corinthians 1:30 (MSG)
30 Everything that we have—right thinking and right living, a clean slate and a fresh start—comes from God by way of Jesus Christ.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

A very dear friend who had been a Christian for a long time but still very young in the faith once said 'this isn't a way of life for you, this is your life' - from that realization this friend has matured into the most amazing 'child of God' and one could say in these latter years has attained holy living - this fullness of life has impacted the community , the corps, the family - most of all - it has impacted the Kingdom of God !
May many more come to that realization!